Education Providers
The ISEA Associate Member category has been created to facilitate education providers to connect with credible education agents who promote New Zealand as a study destination.
As an ISEA Associate Member, you will be able to receive below benefits:
- A profile listing with key selling points, contact details and link to institutional website on the ISEA website
- Introduction of your Institution to our accredited agents through our industry updates to agents.
- Opportunity to partner with ISEA to provide institutional training for your appointed offshore agencies
- Logo on ISEA website homepage
- Logo on promotional materials
- Priority opportunity given to sponsor ISEA Events held both on and offshore
- Priority opportunity to sign up for ISEA to deliver Institutional training at agent training events on your behalf
- Access to new and existing accredited ISEA agencies
- Assistance with conflict resolution with agents through the ISEA Accreditation Council
- Access to market intelligence from the different countries around the world where ISEA has been training and accrediting agents
- Opportunity to provide input into ISEA current and future initiatives
- Discount on attendance at professional development workshops
To become an ISEA preferred partner member, you will need to
- Complete the Associate Member Application Form
- Comply with the ISEA Code of Conduct
For enquiries, please contact: [email protected]